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Wirenet Amiga Internet


Our rates are as follows:

  • One time connection fee £14

  • Annual subscription £115

  • Monthly subscription £14.25

These are fully inclusive prices, VAT is already added.

We now offer a choice of annual or monthly subscriptions. The annual subscriptions work out substantially less over a year, as we are able to reduce our administrative work and costs. Not only does this enable us to pass on these saving to you, but it leaves us more time to dedicate to customer service and support. You are able to change from monthly to annual subscriptions at a later date if you wish to take advantage of these savings.

To join Wirenet, just fill out the application form and email it. If your browser does not support forms, then go to this page, save it to disk and then fill it out and either email it to sales@wirenet.co.uk or post it with your cheque.

Emailing the form first can speed up the processing of your application.

Payment is by cheque/PO, made out to "Wirenet".
For annual subscriptions, send £129 covering the connection fee and the first year's subscription. For monthly subscriptions, send £28.25 covering the connection fee and the first month's subscription, together with a completed Standing Order Mandate.

This should be sent to:

Wirenet Amiga Internet
39 Larch Avenue
Your startup pack will be mailed out within two working days of receiving your application.

This page was last updated on Monday 28 September 1998.